- Binarize::binarizationExampleAn artificial data set consisting of ten artificial feature vectors.
- Binarize::trinarizationExampleAn artificial data set consisting of ten artificial feature vectors.
- BiTrinA::binarizationExampleAn artificial data set consisting of ten artificial feature vectors.
- BiTrinA::trinarizationExampleAn artificial data set consisting of ten artificial feature vectors.
- BoolNet::cellcycleMammalian cell cycle network
- BoolNet::examplePBNAn artificial probabilistic Boolean network
- BoolNet::igfBoolean model of the IGF pathway
- BoolNet::yeastTimeSeriesYeast cell cycle time series data
- GiANT::countdataExample data
- GiANT::labelsExample data to label samples in countdata (rows) in two classes 0 and 1
- GiANT::pathwaysExample data for pathways to to gene set enrichtment analyses
- MOCCA::toy5Toy data set with 5 clusters
- MOCCA::toy9Toy data set with 9 clusters
- ORION::eslESL Dataset
- ORION::esl_orgESL Dataset
- ORION::nonOrdinalDatanon-ordinal data
- ORION::ordinalDataordinal data
- ORION::screeningDatascreening data